Quiz: You know nothing
You hear the following (1 – 10), and you react, expressing for example, agreement or disagreement.
React with a short ‘yes / no' answer, followed by one of the follow-ups below in a) to j).
Whenever possible, use a contracted form in your short answer.
Study these two examples before you begin.
1. You hear: You weren't paying attention to my presentation.
> Your reaction: ‘No, I wasn't. (b) Sorry, I've got a lot on my mind.'
The follow-up in b) expresses agreement, or confirmation.
2. You hear: He wasn't at the meeting.
> Your reaction: ‘Yes, he was. (a) He was sitting in the back of the room.'
The follow-up in a) expresses disagreement, or contradiction.
a) He was sitting in the back of the room. b) Sorry, I've got a lot on my mind.
a) Now I have time for another project.
b) The improvement is astounding.
c) I have a degree in chemistry.
d) Almost 3 inches in one year.
e) I don't need to hear it again.
f) That wasn't very polite of me.
g) I look exactly the same.
h) I really, really want to do it.
i) Just last week I suggested we stay home.
j) I feel much better now that I've rested.