Quiz: Let's go out
You hear the following (1 – 10), and you react, expressing for example, agreement or disagreement.
React with a short ‘yes / no' answer, followed by one of the follow-ups below in a) to j).
Whenever possible, use a contracted form in your short answer.
Study these two examples before you begin.
1. You hear: You weren't paying attention to my presentation.
> Your reaction: ‘No, I wasn't. (b) Sorry, I've got a lot on my mind.'
The follow-up in b) expresses agreement, or confirmation.
2. You hear: He wasn't at the meeting.
> Your reaction: ‘Yes, he was. (a) He was sitting in the back of the room.'
The follow-up in a) expresses disagreement, or contradiction.
a) He was sitting in the back of the room. b) Sorry, I've got a lot on my mind.
a) You've got the perfect profile.
b) You're the most sedentary person I know!
c) You're staying here and doing your homework.
d) And now someone else has to take care of it.
e) You hardly ever cook for yourself.
f) So deep and blue and piercing.
g) She's an experienced runner.
h) He's given up on being a vegetarian.
i) Maybe you should, to beef up your CV.
j) He's been revising for weeks now.