Quiz: Don't give in ! (2)
Study the bracketed elements in the sentences below. Determine which of the following labels (A to H) best describes them. (Hint: identify the Adjuncts first.)
1. She takes [after her mother]1.
2. I put [his success]2 down to [hard work]3.
3. Get your dirty shoes [off]4 [my carpet]5!
4. Where do they hang [out]6 [on Saturday nights]7 ?
5. We loaded up on [food and drink]8 [before the storm]9.
6. Who is looking after [the kids]10?
7. She handed [in]11 [her resignation]12.
8. How can students get [the most]13 [out]14 [of]15 [their university education]16?
9. Why does she keep bringing up [her ex boyfriend]17?
10. [On arriving]18, I always lay [my keys]19 [on the table]20.
[in]11 [off]4 [before the storm]9 [my keys]19 [hard work]3 [out]6 [the most]13 [on the table]20 [her resignation]12 [on Saturday nights]7 [her ex boyfriend]17 [after her mother]1 [of]15 [their university education]16 [his success]2 [out]14 [On arriving]18 [the kids]10 [food and drink]8 [my carpet]5 No more elements to match | A. Adjunct (but not a PrepP) Drop here B. Direct Object Drop here C. Object of a Preposition Drop here D. Particle Drop here E. Preposition Drop here F. PrepP functioning as Adjunct Drop here G. PrepP functioning as Prepositional Object Drop here H. PrepP functioning as Prepositional Complement Drop here |