Quiz: Don't give in !
Study the bracketed elements in the sentences below. Determine which of the following labels (A to H) best describes them. (Hint: identify the Adjuncts first.)
1. You should not give [in]1 so quickly.
2. Susan has been sitting [in]2 [for]3 [me]4 [during my absence]5.
3. I ran [into]6 [an old friend]7 [yesterday]8.
4. I'd give [my right arm]9 [for]10 [a good night's sleep]11.
5. The High Court set [the trail]12 [down]13 for [the end of November]14.
6. You should think [over]15 [my proposal]16.
7. The smell of his cigarette put [me]17 [off]18 [my dinner]19.
8. Who could put [up]20 with [such noise]21?
9. Why does he always dress [down]22 [at work]23?
10. Please put [your books]24 [under your desk]25.
[in]2 [my proposal]16 [into]6 [off]18 [me]17 [such noise]21 [a good night's sleep]11 [an old friend]7 [my dinner]19 [over]15 [during my absence]5 [my right arm]9 [for]10 [yesterday]8 [your books]24 [the end of November]14 [at work]23 [for]3 [me]4 [down]13 [up]20 [under your desk]25 [the trail]12 [down]22 [in]1 No more elements to match | A. Adjunct (but not a PrepP) Drop here B. Direct Object Drop here C. Object of a Preposition Drop here D. Particle Drop here E. Preposition Drop here F. PrepP functioning as Adjunct Drop here G. PrepP functioning as Prepositional Object Drop here H. PrepP functioning as Prepositional Complement Drop here |