All of the following sentences were taken from Emma Watson's He for She speech at the UN. For each of these sentences, transform the sentences into yes/no questions.
1. We want to end gender inequality. (use you)
Do you want to end gender inequality?
2. Fighting for women's rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating.
Has fighting for women's rights too often become synonymous with man-hating?
3. Men and women should have equal rights and opportunities.
Should men and women have equal rights and opportunities?
4. I care about this problem. (use you)
Do you care about this problem?
5. We have a uniting movement. (use you)
Do you have a uniting movement?
6. Men don't have the benefits of equality either.
Don't men have the benefits of equality either?
7. I started questioning gender-based assumptions a long time ago. (use you)
Did you start questioning gender-based assumptions a long time ago?
8. I think it is right that I am paid the same as my male counterparts. (use you)
Do you think it is right that I am paid the same as my male counterpart?
9. No country in the world can yet say that they achieved gender equality.
Can no country in the world yet say that they achieved gender equality?
10. Gender equality is your issue too.
Is gender equality your issue too?
11. I was appointed as Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women six months ago. (use you)
Were you appointed as Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women six months ago?
12. We need more of those. (use you)
Do you need more of those?
13. Not all women have received the same rights I have.
Have not all women received the same rights I have?
14. Hillary Clinton made a famous speech in Beijing about women's rights.
Did Hillary CLinton make a famous speech in Beijing about women's rights?
15. It is not the word that is important.
Is it not the word that is important?
16. My school did not limit me because I was a girl. (use your/you)
Did your school not limit you because you were a girl?
17. I hope that those words will be helpful. (use you)
Do you hope that those words will be helpful?